D_H review roundup

Posted by peterlunenfeld on February 6th, 2014 filed in Uncategorized

Digital_Humanities has been widely covered by this point, most recently by the MLA’s Kathleen Fitzpatrick in the the International Journal of Communication, where she writes that the book “puts forward a crucial vision of what can develop when the best of the digital and the best of the humanities are brought together.” In Image(&)Narrative, Jan Baetens lauds it as “a landmark publication that may prove as significant and powerful as Jean-François Lyotard’s Postmodern Condition.” Dene Grigar offers “a simple directive” in Leonardo: “Everyone in the academy should read Digital_Humanities, no matter the academic discipline or position.” Others have weighed in at the LSE Review of Books, ACM’s Computing Reviews, and blog reviews by Guido Koller, Michelle Moravec, and Greg Smith.

4 Responses to “D_H review roundup”

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